Saying Yes To New Adventures

Saying Yes To New Adventures

You do not need to fear the collapse of the old. The old is falling away and the new is emerging. When we look out into the world we see things looks chaotic, unstable and fearful.

Any part of the physical that was created in an old energy is falling away. We must remember that a new energy is emerging and as long as we look for these new, creative, inspiring ways of doing things there is nothing to fear. As old structures fall away, new structures are being built. You will always be taken care of as this transition on Earth takes place. Don’t allow fear to overtake you. Trust in the divine plan and know that you are safe.

Unearthing Everything That Has Been Hidden

Unearthing Everything That Has Been Hidden

Humanity is changing at a rapid pace. Our views and opinions. Our beliefs and dreams. Ourselves as people. What you believed yesterday, you may no longer believe today. The last couple of years has immersed us into a deep, more soulful awakening making way for the collapse of the old.

And then there is the healing - the dark nights of the soul that means we can no longer avoid what is lurking, buried in our shadows or put off what has to be dealt with once and for all. You may no longer recognise the person you are now. I look back at myself even over the last six months and so much has shifted and changed within and around me.

This is meant to happen and it is an on-going process. You are allowed to change. Everything. Even if it means those around you don't recognise you anymore either. Your evolution is not for anyone else - it's for you.

Sometimes we journey within alone. And sometimes we need our like-minded tribe around us. To be there. To understand. To witness as we shed our old layers. And to support and guide us as we embrace the new.

The Medicine Woman's Prayer

The Medicine Woman's Prayer

One of the biggest challenges we all have is facing up to what lies in our shadows.

What lingers underneath the surface?

What will we uncover if only we’d stop and allow ourselves to feel what is there desperate for our attention?

It can be easier not to delve too deeply. To try and carry on as we were.

But our inner voice always has many ways to grab our attention. Dis-ease can manifest, our minds are anxious and will not be calm and we know we are stressed out and living on the edge.

Stopping isn’t an option. We have to keep going.

After a While You Learn

After a While You Learn

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul.

And you learn that love doesn’t mean leaving and company doesn’t always mean security.

And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts and presents aren't promises.

And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead, with the Grace of a woman not the grief of a child.

And you learn to build all your roads on today, because tomorrows ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much, so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure.

You really are strong.

You really do have worth.

You learn and you learn.

And with every goodbye you learn

Let Yourself Rest

Let Yourself Rest

I believe we have been given an opportunity to say no thanks to the endless pushing, busyness and striving and instead can choose a new nourishing rhythm to how we live and work, one that places us and our well-being first and not last.

Can you see and feel we have to learn the power of deep rest?

We need to nurture ourselves in order to move forwards slowly and gently.

We can let go of the reins and allow what falls away, in order to create space for the new to be birthed and flow.

Choose to create and realign with your new rhythm.

This is the power of the feminine.

I Believe In You

I Believe In You

I believe in you

When you’re full if self-doubt, fear and worry – I believe in you

When you feel uncertain of the future and out of control – I believe in you

When you can’t see a way out – I believe in you to find the solution

When you feel the world is against you – I believe in you and will always have your back

When you feel ready to give up – I believe in you to get back up

When you feel afraid and unloved – I believe in you and always love you

Because I believe in you.

And you can believe in you too.

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here?

Let us not forget when it all becomes a bit much that each and every one of us has our own inner compass and ready-made intuition. We can rely on all of our senses in order to find our way once more.

Back in February (feels like a long time ago doesn’t it?!) we celebrated my husbands birthday and planned to have a day out and dinner in London. Only I woke up on the Saturday morning and knew I didn’t want to go, nor did I want to get on a train or wander around the streets of the city I love. Something bothered me about the rumblings of a virus in China and all of my instincts were telling me in no uncertain words to stay at home.

My mother-in-law called from Australia and she felt as I did. She knew something was amiss too. “Stay at home” she said. “Just chill and take it easy”.

So we did. And we haven’t yet ventured into London since.

Where flowers bloom so does hope

Where flowers bloom so does hope

As I open the curtains clear blue sky and glorious sunshine greets me, since the lockdown began in the UK two months ago we’ve been fortunate to have experienced many days like this. As I venture outside my morning tea in hand, I wander around our garden in my pyjamas. No one can see me. There’s nobody else about. Even the dog walkers keep their distance these days. So I mooch around and see what has changed overnight. New buds have formed and my roses are coming in to bloom. Which seems a lot earlier this year thanks to the warm weather and sunshine.

Decide what kind of life you actually want. And then say no to everything that isn’t that.

Decide what kind of life you actually want. And then say no to everything that isn’t that.

The biggest way to transform your life is to decide what you actually want It sounds obvious doesn’t it that in order to change or transform anything in your life you have to decide what it is you want, what direction you wish to head in or where you’d love to end up. But often we don’t. We coast along, drifting and waiting for something to change, days, weeks and months can pass us by and then we realise, it’s time to stop waiting, make some decisions and the most important bit of all, take intentional action.