Get your cosy on

It is a daily practice to tune in to our bodies, minds and souls. We have our own soulful weather system that is always changing and shifting. Based on our needs in the moment.

And yet this is often overlooked. When we feel tired we just keep on pushing harder. Until we’re at breaking point.

Despite the pushing endeavors, we instinctively know what we need, when we need it. Our inner guidance is always speaking to us. But we have to pause, notice and listen.

I’ve always had to learn to tend to what my body is trying to tell me. My health has suffered throughout the years with repeated misdiagnosis. But now in midlife I trust my own instincts more than ever before. I pay more careful attention and say no when I have to say no.

Having an autoimmune condition is tricky to manage at times, it is a delicate balance between being able to function optimally and the need to rest. So now I know what my body has endured I respect her all the more. She is my responsibility. And you are yours.

Despite the outer world being continuously focused on productivity and squeezing more in to our busy days, it takes practice to tune out and know when to surrender and tune back in to you to trust and follow your own rhythm.

Why are we programmed to ignore our own needs?

Don’t allow yourself to burnout before you take good care of yourself.

Deep rest is not a nicety. It is a necessity. So if you are feeling frazzled, worn down and worn out.



And ask yourself what you need right now?

This shifts your energy out of the masculine and back into the nurturing nature of the feminine. Our focus now is to shift the balance and turn inwards, as the veil between us and the Otherworld is thin. Our ancestors are close by and supporting us on our paths reminding us that slowing down and the darkness is nothing to be fearful of but to embrace.

As we move through this season towards winter follow nature’s lead. Slow down, release, rest and get your cosy on.

When the leaves fall the world is surrendering. Letting go of the pieces and parts that can no longer serve in a positive way. Trees hold strong to their core and survive the storms. But every good tree knows that as time goes by, the leaves will come back and we’ll get to start again.

Simple practices that help me navigate the darker months include switching my day around, so I can make the most of daylight as much as possible and get outside during the morning. Nourishing my body with seasonal heart warming foods and making delicious soups, fruit crumbles and using warming herbs and spices. Going to bed earlier and trying to do more of what I love especially when I can’t get outside in nature helps my mood.

And of course allowing myself the occasional ‘Lazy Day’ works wonders, nothing planned, no expectations, nowhere to be - just a whole day to myself where anything can happen.

Our purpose is to simply live - anything else that we choose to create around living is an added bonus.

If you’re feeling depleted and worn down create and establish your own seasonal rituals and rhythms.

Allow yourself to surrender. Gently move through what is there. Gift yourself the tenderness and rest you deserve. You’ll re-emerge when you’re ready.