Bloom From Within

based on deep feminine empowerment infused with nature, the seasons and personal cycles and natural rhythms

Registration opens spring 2024

Wouldn’t it be lovely to just stop all the doing for a moment and just be?

Be with yourself. Your thoughts, ideas and dreams.

These days it feels impossible to just grab a moment to ourselves. To slow down the pace and reconnect with our heart felt desires. There is always something to do, places to be and constant demands depleting our time and energy.

So it is up to us to put ourselves at the top of the list, define our boundaries and decide what we really want to do with our lives in order to aid our sanity and wellbeing.

Surrender into this enforced pause.
Choose to rest, reset and realign.
Come back yourself over and over again.
Go inwards, deep within your own inner sanctuary.
This is what is required of you now.
Tune in and listen to YOU.
Embrace this moment, celebrate this dedicated time
as you begin to Bloom From Within.
— Melanie Mackie

With no external demands placed on your time and energy it is amazing what you rediscover

Bloom From Within is designed as a retreat, gently guiding you to pause and reflect. To take some much needed time and space out of your busy life in order to reconnect more deeply with yourself.

To feel into what lies within.

To notice new insights and aspirations.

To listen to your inner wisdom and act on your whispers.

What do your whispers want you know?

How do they want you to feel?

What really matters to you now?

What is it time to let go of?

And where are you being guided to go next?

With eight mindful online sessions to ground you and enable you to be present, bringing your visualisations and dreams to life as you move out of your head and fully into your heart. This is an opportunity to remember who you are, to befriend and reconnect with your true nature as you create a deeper, meaningful life based on your own heartfelt intentions, priorities and desires.

The answers always lie within

I love running this course as we never know what beautiful transformation unfolds for you individually. But remarkable things often do. Because when you gift yourself some time out to notice where you’ve been, where you are and where you’re heading new seeds are planted, creative ideas spark and you learn how to focus on taking good care of you. Nurturing yourself and feeding your 'idea seeds' with love and care means they have time and space to grow, bloom and transform.

You are you own greatest teacher

We'll carve out space and dedicated time in your day for you to be and reflect, review and ponder. Over the course of four weeks together our time, energy and focus is spent on your hopes, dreams and ambitions for your life and work. We'll use nature's little helpers to slow life down so you can dig deeper and connect with yourself and a more intuitive perspective.

You are the you behind all of your thoughts, the true essence of being. Don’t forget who you are

By making the commitment to yourself first and foremost you will learn how to tune in, listen to the voice of your inner wisdom and then feel more inspired and motivated to take action. Ready to re-emerge knowing exactly where you're heading next and why personally and professionally. If you can see and feel it, you can BE it.

You get to choose what it is you want to experience in life and we’ll figure out the next steps you need to take to get there.

There is power in going inwards.
Power setting the world down for a while.
Power allowing an idea to seed and gestate.
Power in slowing down.
Power in saying no.
Power in saying yes.
Power in resting.
Your power comes from within....
— Melanie Mackie

The Details

Bloom From Within is a self-paced e-Course and you’ll receive a combination of video and written sessions delivered directly to your email box twice a week for four weeks. Ideally work through each session as you receive it before moving onto the next one. Each session begins with a guided meditation.

During our thought provoking eight online sessions we'll explore:

  • Intentions - Choosing to live and work intentionally - whilst being clear, decisive and focused on what you really desire

  • Priorities - Slowing everything down in order to decide and focus on what you truly want, the choices you need to make and plant the seeds of change

  • Connection - Rediscovering you, the woman within and reconnect to yourself and the world around you

  • Perspective - Understanding your ‘Big Why’, what motivates you whilst evaluating your hopes and fears and defining your heartfelt ambitions

  • Direction – Opening up to possibility to explore a more meaningful life, as you naturally know and trust in the path you long to take

  • Community – Ways to surround yourself with the right people, knowing where you belong for support, learning, inspiration and encouragement to light up your life

  • Being You - We’ll ensure you are brimming with clarity, courage and conviction ready to emerge as you bloom; whilst allowing your true colours to fully shine.

To get the most benefit and value for your time, energy and money you’ll need to make the commitment to yourself. Be willing and motivated to gift yourself some quiet time - at the very least an hour or two to retreat for each session. Tune in to you. Put down your phone, turning off pings and notifications for emails, social media, Insta or WhatsApp. Park the to-do list, multi-tasking or any ever-so important housework. Everything will wait.

This is your time dedicated to you.

Register for Bloom From Within

Melanie Mackie Vision Book

Duration: 4 weeks

This course includes:

8 self-paced sessions and slow-down meditations.

Course Fee £44.00

What else?

Treat yourself to a lovely nice notebook to accompany you along your journey, you’ll be making lots of notes and jotting down ideas that need to be kept together in one special place.

Looking for additional mentoring support?

To accompany on your journey you can book a 60 minute 1-1 online mentoring session during the Bloom From Within e-Course with Melanie. Course Fee £197.00

This is for the woman who has hopes, dreams and ambitions which have somehow become buried among everyday stresses and strains.

The woman who knows she wants her life and work to change direction, but is unsure where to begin to take the next step.

The woman who puts everyone and everything else above herself and desperately craves some me-time to learn how to focus and nurture herself.

Bloom From Within is perfect for you.

Melanie’s E-Course Bloom From Within, was great and very enjoyable. It has made me think and re-evaluate things and what is important to me. Thank you, Mel, for the nudge.
— Jacky Bloomfield, Freelance Wildlife Photographer
Due to the coronavirus pandemic I have had to completely alter my business services. After participating in the “Bloom From Within e-Course” I have entirely rewritten my website copy and have launched some brand new unique makeup and skincare services - including bride only bookings, small bridal parties and online skin tutorials.
— Claire Stallwood - Claire Bowring Make Up Artist